White Spelt Bread
About this recipe:
White Spelt bread is naturally a pale creamy colour and full of flavour. It will prove and rise a little more quickly than conventional wheat flour, so bake it as soon as it has doubled in size.
1kg/2lb loaf tin and 2 x mixing bowls
500g Doves Farm Organic White Spelt Flour
1 tsp Doves Farm Quick Yeast
1 tsp sugar
300ml tepid water
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
oil, for tin
220°C, fan 200°C, 425°F, Gas 7
- Put the flour, yeast and sugar into a large bowl and blend them together.
- Pour in the water, and stir until everything looks craggy and lumpy, then stir in the salt.
- Stir in the oil.
- Using your hands gather everything together into a doughy mass.
- Knead the dough for 100 presses, in the bowl or on a work surface. Avoid adding flour.
- Cover the dough with a large upturned bowl and leave it in a warm place for the dough to double in size, which will take about an hour.
- Rub some oil around the inside of a 1kg/2lb loaf tin.
- Knead the dough for another 100 presses.
- Shape the dough and put it into your prepared tin.
- Invert a large mixing bowl over the tin and leave it to rise in a warm place for 35 minutes.
- Pre-heat the oven.
- Bake the loaf for 40-45 minutes. You will know it’s done when the bottom sounds hollow when tapped. Leave to cool on a wire rack.
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The dough has turned out so pliable and light! I have worked up dough in a bowl now ifor its first rising. It was so lovely and easy to handle! I am contemplating to make a pizza instead of the bread. I cut the recipe in half to check it out first!! Thanks so much!
Reviewing: White Spelt Bread
I have done this loaf for a number of years and it always give great results. My children really like it. Strangely though the amount of water says 300ml on packet but 350ml on website. Personally I only used 300ml and it works perfect everyone.
Reviewing: White Spelt Bread
Sharon Nixon
As others suggest, I think this should be 300ml of water not 350ml - I did it with 350ml and it was more batter than dough (still tasty though - just lost a load over the side of the tin and as we are in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis any lost flour is a great shame!). Also, if you look on the back of the bag of flour it says 300ml water for 500g flour. Note to self: check pack and/or reviews first.
Reviewing: White Spelt Bread
Jill Telford
I have just made the white spelt loaf. Followed instructions correctly and it came out fabulous. Will definitely be making it again.
Reviewing: White Spelt Bread
Judith Williams
Fabulous result! Used exact recipe amounts x2 (as I always make two loaves at the same time and freeze one.) Perfect rise, texture and taste. Having used this and many of the Dove bread flours I have found it very important to ensure no draughts/change of temperture can get to the proving area, also the kneeding has to be done properly!
Reviewing: White Spelt Bread